Monday, July 14, 2008

Hellboy II: The Golden Army

I’ve been sitting here trying to honestly think of stuff that I didn’t like about this movie. Not having much luck.

I was a huge fan of the first movie. It had a very dark and steam punk feel and look to it. Both of which I’ve always liked. This one takes a slightly different style visually. Del Toro is pure genius with his visuals. He made a point of using puppets and costumes for as many monsters as possible in this, which gives it a very Jim Henson feel to it. Only Del Toro’s visuals are a lot darker. Pan’s Labyrinth almost feels like it was just a small taste into his mind, and this movie is a full serving. I’ve already said I’m a huge sucker for overly visual movies. So this movie had me swimming.

The story is simple and pretty straight forward. There are a few twists to keep it a little interesting. But it’s nothing groundbreaking or all that memorable. It does have moments that really make you feel for the characters, even the bad guy. While he is a crazy power hungry war monger, he does have some good points in his view of Humanity. Since I’ve never read any of the comics that this story was based off of I cant comment on how close it followed it. I do know they took lots of liberties with the story of the first movie. But it all worked in the end. And knowing that Del Toro is a huge fan of the comics, and that him and Mike Mignolia, the creator of the comic books, both worked on the script I am sure that the story and all the characters are very faithful to the series.

All the characters are as good as they were in the first. It takes a few moments to get used to the fact that David Hyde Peirce isn’t the voice of Abe, you quickly get used to Doug Jones. Plus it’s nice that he finally gets to do the voice work of the character that he is in costume for. Everyone gets a good amount of screen time as well. All three of the main three all have parts of the story that moves them along.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I do know that Hellboy, particularly the first one, was HEAVILY Love craft based. So were the comics. I haven't seen the second one yet...we shall see.