Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I don’t really know where to start with this movie. Once you hear the concept you don’t really know what to expect. It sounds like a mix between a bad horror and porn, or something that Troma would make. But once you actually watch it, you realize it really isn’t either one of those. You’d also imagine it to be filled with many cheesy moments, and horrible actors, again you’d be wrong.

The film makers have managed to somehow fit several messages into the movie, with out it really feeling like it’s trying to have a message. At the core it feels like it’s about abstinence, right from the very first scene. But it does a good job of both putting it in a good light, and showing the negative effects that can be caused by it. By the end of the movie it kind of changes its message and is a combination of sexism and being sexually careful, but does so with a smart transition, while making sense with the story.
The story is pretty much a very twisted take on adolescence and growing up and experiencing changes with your body. Discovering new things that seem out of place and wrong, only in this film, they are very much out of place and wrong. And while the story does have a good progression, it doesn’t really go anywhere. The ending is kind of abrupt, and it doesn’t really explain much. But it does leave it open for a sequel, which I would watch.

I was surprised to recognize several of the actors, and even more surprised that it was filled with actual good acting. Jess Weixler does a great job of making you empathize with her through out the film. And you can really see how her character progresses and grows. Some of the other cast, while doing a good job, are pretty typical roles for them.

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